Do I have to see my doctor before Physiotherapy?

If you are seeking Physiotherapy treatment under medical insurance cover, it is usually necessary for you to be referred by your GP or consultant, and to gain authorisation from the insurance company in advance of treatment, otherwise you may find yourself liable for full payment of fees incurred. Please consult your insurance company in this respect. Also, please establish the amount of any excess payment for which you will be liable.  

If, however, you are self-funding this is not necessary and, therefore, you may self-refer directly without seeing your GP.


If self-funding, or recovering fees subsequently from an insurance provider, payment is required at the time of the appointment and can be made by bank transfer in advance of each appointment.

For treatment directly paid for by medical insurance please ensure that you obtain the necessary pre-authorisation, otherwise you may find yourself liable for full payment of fees incurred. Also, please establish the amount of any excess payment for which you will be liable prior to your initial assessment.

For our charges click here.

Failure to attend/Cancellation/Alteration of appointments  (self-funded and insurance funded patients)

  •  – Less than 24 hours’ notice: full fee payable by patient upon request.
  • – 24 hours’, or more, notice: minimum of 50% of normal fee payable by patient upon request.

What will happen?

At your first appointment, if not completed in advance, there will be some forms to complete (please remember your reading glasses if needed), we will then initially discuss the nature and history of your problem, your medical history and medications that you take, and, in broad terms, the nature of your occupation and social activities and situation.

You may then be asked to remove some items of clothing, provided that you are happy to, so far as is necessary and appropriate to allow examination and assessment. It is advisable to bring a pair of shorts with you if you are having treatment in respect of low back, leg or ankle/foot problems.

You are welcome to be accompanied should you so wish, and it should be stressed that, at all times, it is your decision, whether or not to remove clothing, or to undergo any aspect of the assessment or receive any treatment offered.

It is requested that those under 18 years of age are accompanied by an adult with ‘parental responsibility’.

Assessment findings, treatment plans, and goals will then be explained and agreed with you – please ask if you do not understand anything! If time allows, and with your consent, treatment may be commenced, otherwise treatment will commence at your next appointment,

Self-funded initial assessments usually last up to 60 minutes, whilst follow-up appointments are either up to  45 minutes.  Insurance funded initial assessments last up to 45 minutes and follow-up appointments last up to 30 minutes. charges include set-up, and clean and pack-away time, and assume travel time up to 15 mins. each These time periods include:

– the time needed to set-up, and clean and pack-away;

– travel time of up to 15 minutes each way (greater        travel times may incur additional cost which will be agreed at time of referral);

– complete forms, undress and dress:

– assessment, review of progress, treatment, note taking;

– booking follow-up appointments, and taking payment .

Often you will be given advice regarding how to help manage your problem, and also home treatment and/or exercise instructions. It is important that you comply with such advice and instructions if you wish to gain optimal benefit and value for money from Physiotherapy.

Home, or work place appointments are usually available provided suitable accommodation is available (please see ‘CHARGES’ section.

Please telephone for an appointment: 07702 871780.